In 1988, five judicial police officers of the Procuraduría General de Justicia del Distrito Federal (PGJDF) brutally murdered four teenagers, two of whom were children of prominent activists from Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas' presidential campaign. The PGJDF attributed the homicides to two innocent individuals, who were sentenced to 16 years in prison. With this background, in 2006, Rusconi & Sauza promoted an incident of innocence recognition, which was favorably resolved by the Fifth Criminal Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of the Federal District. Consequently, in 2007, with the sponsorship of Rusconi & Sauza, our client sued the PGJDF for compensation for the damages caused. After six years of litigation, on June 13, 2013, the trial was won on appeal. The Seventh Civil Chamber of the TSJDF condemned the PGJDF to pay our client for the loss of earnings for all the time he was deprived of his liberty, plus compensation for moral damages caused by being unjustly convicted and imprisoned.
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